Tuesday, June 10, 2008

What the heck is wokanwokan??!!

If you somehow managed to find your way to this obscure blog, and wondering why the heck the URL happens to be wokanwokan.blogspot.com, well, I'm glad you're curious.

You see, usually when Chinese educated Chinese people try to speak English, they always try to construct the sentence in their mother tongue first, and then somehow directly translate that to English. (This is of course just a generalization, I mean no offense!). That's why you get people who can't tell the difference between 'borrow' and 'lend' because there's no such distinction in Cantonese. Well in my case, I'm an English educated Chinese person trying to speak some Mandarin, so my thought process is reversed.

I'm sure you got the idea by now, but if not, read on.

In English, when we're somehow enlightened by something (or pretending to be enlightened), we'll say "Ahhh! I see I see!". So, if I am to translate that directly to Mandarin, it becomes "Wo kan wo kan!". Of course, this is not correct, and by the way I'm probably the last person you'll want to learn Mandarin from. But I kinda like the ring to it, and hence, deng deng deng deng.... wokanwokan.blogspot.com is born!

I'll start posting some 'real' content soon... stay tuned...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Chinese educated is like that.....