Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Singapore quirks... Part 1

I've been in Singapore for two weeks, and I already noticed some of the quirkier (such a word exists?) things about this island / republic / country. So this will be Part 1,... Part 2 to come along hopefully in the future. Here goes:

Ground floors are labeled as '1' instead of 'G'. So a 2nd floor in Singapore would be a 1st floor in Malaysia. Darn Singaporeans, so kiasu, always wanna be one notch up above of us Malaysians. :-P

Singapore seems to have a fascination with nameless, brandless, China-made phones. Everywhere I go I see them selling these. I'm not sure how much they're selling, but I would expect dirt cheap. Even normal branded phones here in Singapore is already cheap (compared to Malaysia, due to the higher purchasing power of Singaporeans), why would they wanna buy China-made phones?

This is an amphibious vehicle which supposedly brings you on a tour on the road and also on water. Interesting!

You might be wondering what's quirky about this one. Well to me, there actually is an expected completion date printed clearly for all to see, even for something as simple as repairing a public fountain! Deadlines for public scrutiny! In other words, more transparency and accountability. I love this, I only wish Malaysia could be more like this. *Sigh*

The time taken to travel between stations are clearly mentioned, allowing you to make a pretty accurate assessment of the traveling time required on the MRT. Again, this is a simple thing that helps the public know what level of service to expect. I wish this is something Malaysia could do! (KTM KOMUTER and STAR LRT, I'M LOOKING AT YOU!!!!)

Olympic bird nest stadium cake! LOL! Maybe they have this in Malaysia, I'm not sure.

Part 2 will come when I'm able to snap more pictures...

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